Health & Life Sciences Technology
We harness the power of technology and exploit it through supporting fundamental life-sciences research, diagnostics and therapeutic technology development, as well as their implementation in a clinical context. By using modern and robust technologies and by following high quality standards, we deliver trusted and innovative solutions that make a positive difference to both patients and heathcare providers.

The Camgile consultants have experience in medical evidence management, having developed secure, resilient and robust APIs for storage, structuring, handling and retrieval of medical findings, part of a scalable medical visualisation platform. This includes experience in following the DICOM standard and in applying thorough development processes to ensure a medical-grade software quality, adding the traceability and auditability needed in compliance checks for product certifications.
Our skills contributed towards the development of clinical devices such as the VIA-Thaw thawing system for cryogenically preserved cellular therapies, which require a finely controlled thermal treatment for preserving their quality and safety.
Similar skills were used for developing high-throughput biotechnology facilities such as the Arrayjet micro-array printers for biological samples, routinely used for research, development and production purposes.

In the field of biotechnology R&D we have also contributed towards the development of the OptiJ open-source optical projection tomography (OPT) system, designed to suit both the requirements and the resources of typical research laboratories around the world.